Cleansing, Setting Intentions & Charging Your Crystals

Crystals are very hard working and as you work with them they do naturally become depleted of energy and absorb negativity from both toxic/draining people and situations you may come into contact with. Although some people have mixed opinions on how important/how often you should cleanse your crystals, I believe it is a good way of ensuring that any negativity that may have penetrated your aura is dissipated. After cleansing and charging my crystal I like to set its intention by holding it with both hands to my chest and speaking out loud directly to the crystal, letting it know exactly what I want it to attract into my life/protect me from/help me achieve etc. I do this with my eyes closed and with no distractions (although sometimes I like to do this with some high frequency music playing in the background to raise my vibration). Whilst speaking my intentions, I visualize what these intentions would feel/look like in my reality so I can really feel all of the sensations of the desires I would like the crystal to help me achieve. To close my intention setting ritual, I finish by thanking the crystal for the energy it will bring into my life.



When to cleanse and charge your crystals

•When you first receive your crystal

•Before/after spell work or any divination rituals

•If you have had a particularly emotionally heavy week 

•If you have come into contact with a toxic person/situation that has left you feeling drained


Different methods to cleanse your crystals


•Moon water (make sure your crystal is water safe first!)

•Whilst in a meditative state, hold your crystals and imagine a bright white light passing through you and your crystals, cleansing them of all negative energy 


How to charge your crystals 

•Each crystal has its own method of charging that is unique to its individual properties. However, if you are unsure I find leaving them under the moonlight of a full moon to be very effective.